June 6, 2009
Just so you know, the Whitlers are carrying on (in more ways than one) here in Modesto. Here's some snippets of our life and work...
Family stuff - Amie and the kids are finishing out the year's education in the next weeks. Josh is 13 and about an inch away from being as tall as me (Chris)! He loves reading, gaming and hatching plans for his next movie. Sam is turning 9 (on the 9th) and is into softball, game shows and getting his school work done as early as possible. Stella is 3 & 1/2 and likes pink things, purple things and purple and pink things. Amie and I are celebrating our 16th anniversary next week!
YWAM stuff - Our team of 7 is reaching out and continually searching for better ways to do the things God has called us to do. We are regularly downtown visiting friends we have made on the street, supporting them with listening, prayer and education about resources. We are actively mentoring a group of about 18 "at risk" kids who live in gang infested neighborhoods. This year has provided much opportunity to partner with other outreach groups and churches for training, sharing resources and support. We are not the answer, but are determined to play our part.
Church stuff - Amie has been training some young women in dance at our church, New Hope Christian Fellowship and I continue to head up the worship team. I also serve as a deacon and work with a team to facilitate the youth group. Our church has been able to send 10 members out on international missions this year and continues to be a major blessing to our work in town. We are getting ready to move into a new neighborhood at the end of the Summer and are excited about this new season of ministry for our congregation.
Thailand stuff - We continue to partner with Compasio, a relief and development organization in Mae Sot, Thailand. Folks from our team, church and community have traveled to Thailand this year to work with our friends on the Thai/Burmese border helping the street kids and vulnerable families. I am serving on the American board for this organization and hope to travel back to Thailand in the next year or so.
Global stuff - I also serve on the leadership team for Global Youth Network, an international education organization that provides opportunities for university students (and other youth) to travel and learn about the world from the perspectives of faith, justice and community. I'm managing a blog and podcast for them (you can look at that HERE) and we receive a Global team in Modesto for leadership training every year. In April, I traveled to 2 orientation camps (Vancouver and Ontario) to help train teams for their trips.
Future Stuff - This Summer, we are hosting teams from Ohio and Canada for missions here in Modesto, we are doing 2 camps with inner-city kids, traveling to Vancouver to help with a camp for native kids, and sending staff off for short term work in Thailand and working with a couple of local youth groups for local outreach. Please keep us in your prayers!
Keep in touch (we'd looooove to hear from you!) -
cwhitler@gmail.com - http://cwhitler.blogspot.com - http://ywammodesto.org - http://ywam-modesto.blogspot.com
If you would like to support our work financially, all donations are tax deductible when made out and sent to: YWAM / P.O. Box 3000 / Garden Valley, TX / 75771-3000. Our name must not appear on the check but include a separate note stating the gift is for the Whitlers in Modesto, CA. Thanks!
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