Howdy all, Chris here with another small Whitler family update...this won't hurt a bit...
Everything moved! - First and foremost, the address in our letterhead up there is now wrong (the phone number is still right). Right on the heels of our awesome camp (named Camp Awesome) and our great family mission trip to Canada, we had a little break with family in Portland on our way back home and then right into the fire of moving everything. Well, not our home (just yet), but everything else. Our small fellowship, New Hope, is meeting at a new property and that means our YWAM office is also some place new. It's a change we're all still getting used to but it has been and will be a very good change.
Our home address is The Whitlers - 5321 Avante Ln, Salida, Ca 95368
Our Church and YWAM mailing address is YWAM c/o New Hope Christian Fellowship - 300 Trask Ln, Modesto, CA 95354
And...our actual office is located with our generous friends office at Stanislaus County Youth For Christ. Now that's a bit to keep track of!
It's been a lot of work but the dust is starting to settle. Our team couldn't have done any of the move without the help of our wonderful community around us. Thanks to New Hope for a great place to work from all these years and your continued blessing to see our work go on, thanks to YFC for our nice little hub we can come to get the office-y stuff done. We are grateful!
Staying Faithful - We are still faithfully on South 9th Street to bring food, friendship and hope to the folks that live there. We meet people in friendship and go where those relationships take us. It's not always easy. Pray for Rob who earnestly desires to be rid of his addiction. Pray for Mary who needs to find a better place to live and peace in her mind. Pray for Cheryl, for mental peace and clarity. Pray for Frankie who recently lost his Dad and is working hard toward getting his daughter into safe custody. Pray for Jim who seems to have no hope. Pray for Ken who is sick and alone. Pray for Helen who is so close to being ready to leave it all.
Our Kids Club - We had a couple "kids club" times in August and both were wonderful gifts. First, North Modesto Church of God had us over on a Saturday afternoon for water games and ice cream...15 kids + hundreds of water balloons = awesome! Our volunteer group from Downy High School have mostly headed off to university, but before they went they used their own money to give our kids a great good-bye party...15 kids + pizza + pool = awesome again! So we're gearing up again and working to see what our time with these kids and their families will look like in the next season. Pray for us for creativity and flexibility.
Whitler family - Like all kids, we have begun the year's school work. Unlike all kids, the first day was a field trip! It's good to be a home-schooler : ) Amie also is taking dance at Modesto Junior Collage and teaching dance with a small group of local women. It's been fun this summer having the whole family involved in our mission work and we are looking forward to new possibilities to all work together. Good stuff ahead!
The Future - this Fall we are settling into all the change, hosting a couple of teams and I'll be teaching again at a YWAM school in Canada on evangelism in an urban context. YWAM Modesto will continue to reach out on our streets, develop partnerships locally with churches and ministry networks and internationally with Compasio and Global Youth Network.
Here's how to find us online and other ways...
Family site/blog - http://thewhitlers.com
Whitler podcast (teaching, music and fun stuff)- http://www.gcast.com/u/cwhitler/main
Amie on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/amiehw Chris on facebook - http://www.facebook.com/badyouthspeaker
YWAM site - http://ywammodesto.org YWAM blog - http://ywam-modesto.blogspot.com
If you would like to support our work financially, all donations are tax deductible when made out and sent to: YWAM / P.O. Box 3000 / Garden Valley, TX / 75771-3000. Our name must not appear on the check but include a separate note stating the gift is for the Whitlers in Modesto, CA. Thanks!
1 comment:
Hi Whitlers! All of the support for YWAM is inspiring. I though you might like to know about another simple way that everyone can generate a little more support for YWAM every day just by searching the Web. Next time you search, instead of going to Google, use YWAM's yahoo search page at http://www.freelanthropy.com/search/ywam and YWAM earns a little money each time you do. It's that simple. Thanks! And keep up the great work.
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