"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matt 20: 25 - 28
We are hosting a team this week from a native community in Canada. Mostly high school kids on Spring break and some community leaders with them as well as a couple of old friends from YWAM. We are having a great week.
For everyone to serve, of course, at some point, you have to let yourself be served. This team served me yesterday in a way that is humbling and beautiful. They helped me move.
A few weeks ago, my former landlord let us know that his house was in foreclosure. He is 71 and his wife is 68 and they just lost everything to the bad economy. They needed our house as they were losing theirs. And they needed it quick. Within a week we had found a suitable rental near the new location of our church and then we had just over a week to pack up the house. Then, the team came.
We didn't quite make it as far as packing but this team served us with happy attitudes and very hard work. They helped us pack up, clean up and unload at the new place, all in about 5 hours! It was refreshing to our hearts, helpful beyond my ability to define it, and a wonderful picture of grace to me. Sometimes, "thank you" just doesn't cut it.
Jesus came to serve. Can you let Jesus serve you through the grace of others? Jesus wants to serve you. Do you see that in the reading today? He came to serve. That means, we have to let him.
So often we rush ahead to "I have to be like Jesus and serve!" But first, you have to let grace wash over you. Let him serve you. Receive help. Be weak. Let him minister to you through prayer and the help of others. He longs to have you sit with him and for you to let him refresh your heart. Let go of your lists and sit with Jesus. Let him wash you and love you.
Then, after Christ has served you, how can you be like him for others today?
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