Monday, March 28, 2011

Living the Story #17, Lent 2011

"Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his own country." Luke 4:24

Sometimes, you gotta get away.

This week, I'm teaching a Discipleship Training School from Youth With A Mission in Pismo Beach (thus the reason for the lateness of my post today). They've come for a week of training and outreach here in Modesto. This kind of school is a great tool that God uses to draw young people to relationship with him and share with them who he's created them to be and what he's wired them to do.

Some of the students today shared that they needed to leave home (if even just for a time) and come to this school in order to understand things they have heard all their life at home or in church. To see more clearly, sometimes you have to look from a different vantage point.

Jesus had many followers but chose 12 to walk with him more intimately. And they walked. From town to town, through the country and in villages, these students of Christ learned on the road and through doing.

That's what we're doing this week, walking with Jesus and paying attention to the opportunities he sends our way and doing our best to respond in the way he leads.

Is there a routine I'm stuck in? Am I locked into a mindset? Have I boxed others into my perception of who they are?

Walking with Jesus will always lead us down strange and creative paths. Let's welcome him.

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