OK, right now, he's not doing so much. He's playing a football video game. But usually Dave is working hard at changing the world...which is no small task. I just finished meeting with young leaders from all across Canada that Dave has somehow talked into trying to change the world too. These folks also work on university campuses to try to convince others that they can also change the world. How? They go to the world. part of our impromtu meeting was to create a statement about Global Youth Network which is Dave's organization that was birthed out of YWAM and now is it's own thing. Here's what I wrote...
"Global Youth Network is a non-profit organization that provides opportunities for growth, education and a world perspective for university students on justice and poverty issues. Global trains young leaders and facilitates teams for work in 15 countries (and counting), partnering with grass roots efforts on the ground that serve the poor and oppressed. Out of these trips comes vision for developing leadership and investment in long term projects with the end result of greater understanding, improved ways of relating and making the world a better place."
The meetings were a good start to better organization. Why was I there? We're part of that "leadership training" statement in Modesto. Each year, Dave brings a handful of his leaders to Modesto to spend time with us. It's a great partnership. The leadership team that I met with may even come down in the Spring to have more discussion.
I'll write more later on how you can help Dave but for now go to the Global website.
I can actually think of no other person in my life that has influenced me more than Dave. You'll never see him as the key note speaker of a huge conference. He'll probably never be all the buzz or have written the next best book on international development or missions or something. He's too busy for all that...usually having coffee with some young person, through relationship, quietly and faithfully convincing them that they can change the world.
I love you, Dave.
What a load of crap. How has "relationship" ever changed the world?
The Devil
Still waiting to find out how I can help this guy. Could you just give us a hint?
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