"Truly I say to you, to the extent that you (fed, gave drink, invited in, clothed or visited) one of these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to me."
"...even the least of them..." I've always seen this passage to mean that we look for the "least" and many of us translate that as "the poor". While this is true, the way Christ says it here suggests that this should be our posture toward everyone...even the least.
It's different because it seems we think that we should minister to the "least" every so often...do the church outreach, go on a mission trip...but Jesus calls us to a hospitable life, sharing food, drink, clothes and time with all his brothers, including the least. In this passage he is addressing his students and is including them as he speaks. In a short time, these men will be poor wanderers for the sake of the gospel, they will be thrown in prison, tortured and in need. They will desperately need each other.
Our hospitality to Jesus starts right where we are right now. Don't wait for the monthly outreach down at the shelter. Do that too but we can share, invite and welcome today.
Do you see a need? Who in your life needs food or clothes or drink or a welcoming space or a visit? How can we open our homes, cupboards, closets, schedule and hearts to one another today? How can you be hospitable where you are?
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