Friday, June 27, 2014

Liner Notes from Chris' New Album "Rushing Waters"

You can download my new album for free! CLICK HERE
And listen to it right here...just over to your right :)

It’s been 2 years since “Burning Bushes” and I’m so happy to release “Rushing Waters”. The burning bush is where Moses first noticed the voice of God in the desert. In St. John’s Revelation, we’re told that the voice of Jesus is like “the sound of rushing waters.” And I guess that’s what all these songs are about...noticing the voice of Jesus speaking in nature, scripture and relationships.
Many thanks to Jimmy Sustar who has labored over these songs. He is playing almost every instrument you hear with the exception of my acoustic guitar and my son Sam on the uke (Thanks Sam!) Jimmy also volunteered to mix these songs and make them sound great!

The BGV crew is Amie, Josh, Sam and Stella Whitler, Jimmy, Kelly, Mila, Zion, Gabriel and Ezra Sustar and Aaron Alford

Aaron also provided the cover art. The photo is from a prayer chapel at the Gethsemane monastery in Bardstown, KY where you can go to hear the waters.

CMW, June 23, 2014

One Little Something - Just a little song about Rosa Parks, Gandhi, Brother Andrew, St. Francis, King David, Jesus, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Jr. and you.

Laughter Digs A Well - Genesis 26:12-33

The Spirit’s Tree - To really understand this song, you’d have to see my friend Aaron’s tattoo and the sculpture of it
on the mud hut library we helped build in Thailand. But you’ll get the gist.

Close The Door - a song about Noah and us.

The Man On The Tree - Inspired by things I’ve seen, things I am, Jesus, the book Eternity In Their Hearts by Don Richardson and a great song  that Jimmy wrote once.

Evidence of Good - Acts 14:16-18 (The Message)

Je Veux Voir Mon/Ma(?) Bebe Ce Soir - Every time I travel with my Dave, I write a song about how I miss my wife. This was written in Quebec and we couldn’t quite get a good idea of this phrase from the francophones but we did our best.

Ancient Stone - Written on the ferry from the mainland of BC to Vancouver Island...and yes, traveling with Dave.

Things My Grandparents Gave Me - the best inheritance I could have ever hoped for. My son Sam is playing the ukelele on this track! A proud and noble instrument.

Altar - a song for the little flock at New Hope in Modesto

Pillar of Fire - the oldest song of the bunch but seemed a good closer. Thanks for listening!

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