Monday, February 15, 2016

Monday Morning Music: Evidence of Good

This song was inspired by Paul's message to the people of Lystra in Acts 14. They saw the wonderful things the Christians could do and began to call them gods. In The Message translation, Paul, to convince them otherwise, says, "...He (God) made a good creation, poured down rain and gave bumper crops. When your bellies were full and your hearts happy, there was evidence of good beyond your doing.” 

 In JRR Tolkien's "The Silmarillion", he talks about water and how people still get quiet around water as it still carries with it traces of the song of creation. That rings true to me. 

 Enjoy this song! It's a part of my album Rushing Waters (produced and musically enhanced by my very talented friend Jimmy Sustar​). The whole collection of songs is teasing out different ways we can hear the voice of God. Available for a free download at

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