Friday, August 03, 2007

Canada galore

Well, yesturday I borded my 2nd flight to Canada in 2 weeks. This time, I'm in my ole stompin grounds...Kitchener, ON. I'll be at a round table discussion with Global Youth Network, a justice organization associated with YWAM in Canada. Well, it's actually a round "campfire" meeting cause we're camping. But since we have left Canada, we've partnered with Global in various ways. But most recently, Global has commited to sending their leadership training group to Modesto every Spring as they prepare to take teams all over the world in May! We've had a blast with these teams in the past and I'm excited about the future.

There's no electricity so I will have to pitch my tent far away from the others in order for them to get some sleep! (I have the apnea in case you didn't know. I think I had a hand in it as my friends up here have completely converted to Mac. If that were all I'd been able to do, it has been worth it.

Ah yeah!


JD said...

Have fun in Canada!

seventhkevin said...

You have learned well, young padawan.

Unknown said...

good to hear from you. glad you're having a good time. i think it's convenient that you "need" electricity for the breathing machine, and by default have it for your computer... all while camping... cool!

Gilad & Dawna said...

Chris, how long are you going to be in Kitchener for? I'm out of town, but will be back there tomorrow (3rd, and probably the 4th).

I miss ya, buddy!

philter said...

amen brother, Amen.